Friday Favs

Friday, March 24, 2017

the hangover edition.

I've been back from Miami now for about six days and I'm finally adapting back to reality. I've spent the past week in dimly lit rooms and checking in freight at the boutique to avoid all human contact. I've slowly come to terms that the $123 in my bank account is not enough for a down payment on a flat in Miami so for today's Friday Favs I will keep it simple!
1. Tory Burch Millers
What basic girl doesn't love a classic Tory Burch Miller? I've opted for these black patent because they are the best to take by the pool and they won't ruin with sand and water. This is the go-to sandal for this season and you won't regret the splurge.
2. Sassy Crossbody
Whether you are taking a trip or just looking for a new everyday bag, this Rebecca Minkoff Isobel Crossbody is a must have. Warmer weather means I will be on the go and at the first patio that offers a margarita special, so I opt for a smaller handbag to lighten up my look.
3. Easy Black Heels
I'm short, like 5ft short, so if I'm not going to the pool or beach you can almost always catch me in a heel. This cute black heel from Seychelles is perfect for standing all day at work or walking around downtown, and you won't have to sacrifice your toes to the Heel Gods because they are super comfy, too!
4. Lazy Girl Hair
I've recently gone blonde because I am the prime example of doing things on impulse, so I have to be cautious of the damage I do to my hair. I worked at Drybar for a couple of months and I am a fangirl to ALL their hair tools. This 3-Day Bender is my absolute favorite because you can do so much with it and it leaves my hair so smooth. I just quickly do some loose curls in all directions and spray this dry shampoo at the roots for a messy, but kinda have my life together, everyday look.

xoxo, s

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